Workshop fee: £90 per person. Suitable for beginners and intermediates.
Materials cost: £10 per person, payable to the tutor on the day in cash.
10am-4.30pm, with 30 minutes for lunch.
Rush basketmaker Rosie Farey will teach you the techniques required to make one of her signature miniature ‘Sea Urchin’ baskets such as check weave, pairing and a track border. Students will learn how to tension their work to suit working on a small scale.
Open to members of Oxfordshire Basketmakers.
For more information about Rosie’s work on instagram please see @rosiefarey.
To book this workshop you will need to complete a Booking Form. Click on one of these links Word document or PDF document and send to our Workshop Co-ordinator using the email address found in the downloadable Word document or PDF document. Alternatively information will be sent out in the OB email e-news to all members or can be found on the main Basketmakers Association website.
We hope you can join us!
© 2025 oxfordshire basketmakers
All rights reserved. Please note that all images and photographs are copyrighted to Oxfordshire Baskemakers and its members and is not allowed for resale, no part of any image or photograph may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, scanning or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from Oxfordshire Basketmakers.